Jack Frost (yEarn Stablecoins)
In order to provide liquidity to the Jack Frost pool, one must first acquire yDAI, yUSDC, yUSDT, or yTUSD and then stake it by doing the following:
Deposit stablecoins to the yEarn V1 stablecoin vaults for DAI, USDC, USDT, or TUSD on yEarn Finance. This returns back yDAI, yUSDC, yUSDT, or yTUSD tokens. Be sure to deposit to the V1 vaults.
Deposit the resulting yDAI, yUSDC, yUSDT, or yTUSD on SnowSwap yVault USD Deposit Page. This returns back ySNOW tokens.
Stake the resulting ySNOW tokens into the Jack Frost pool.
Last updated